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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

THE PERFECT OPEN EYES BABY KIT??!?! where can you ever be found?

i have an obsession..

i have 2 of the most adorable  limited edition kits, ever in the world. a HEAVENLY and a BRAYDEN  kit (1 of each) by NICOLE RUSSLE and i love them..

still blank kits to date, from the time i got them, because i havnt brought myself to  the point of ever wanting to reborn them, and had hoped id have found someone after my reborning freind HEATHER UNDERWOOD decided to take a break from reborning, to do them, at closr to her rate (which was free)..but i couldnt, best i came was Tina Bloomfield who said shed do them both for me for 250.00.

so, they never got done. ever.

they BOTH have closed eyes, and i am more of an open eyed reborn doll girl, i like to see the eyes, i dont know whay, i just do..closed eyed dolls seem so...lifeless to me, even painted to near realism, still, lifeless...
but i adore THESE kits..

so, as i was looking once for some heavenly and brayden images online, for hair and color reference to show whom ever the person would be to end up reborning them i found one set of pics with brayden with open eyes..
he looks SO good with them open!
this is how brayden can look when reborned WITHOUT anything being done to his eyes.
and the same kit with opened eyes. i love how he looks, im not so crazy about his hair in the open eyes image, but the eyes!
and heres heavenly, as far as i can tell no ones ever opened her eyes yet.

ever since i got these 2 kits, i have looked high and low for a newborn, and by that i mean..FRESH OUT OF THE WOMB baby kit...
oblong head, puffy eyes, squished up body...all the things that tell you some kits a brand new baby, but the most important thing...OPENED EYES!

and i may have found her...(oh yes, SHED be a HER!)

i have ALLOT of dolly connections on facebook. like over 1 thousanfd ppl..
and i have them so i can see dolls as they pass by on my feed, maybe one will be that PERFECT doll. one never knows, so one doll went by, and i had seen it before, looked it over, and passed on it, and it came through again, and for whatever reason this has stuck with me..and i think...i may want to get her..cause shes cute, and has a fairly NEW look, and a squished up body, and..her names...MICHELLE!!
and because i like these dolls to have pacifiers i always have to try to fid a pic of them with one just so i can se ehow cute they look with one on thier face.

i need to find some info on her, like what size baby she is, and what size eye shed take in case i ever do feel like getting her,

Size of the finished doll: 18"
so she would wear preemie stuff, and small newborn stuff.
eye size is 22mm
id prolly want her to have those newborn blues. i think doe a fresh newborn they look the best.

price? 109.90.. 
yeah, not cheap, at least not to me. *sigh*

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